I use drupal 7. After clearing the cache, I use wget like this to cache all pages back.
wget --quiet http://xxx.xxx/sitemap.xml --output-document - | egrep -o "http://xxx.xxx[^<]+" | wget -q --delete-after -i -
After it is done, I check in database the cache_page table, and all pages seems to be there. However, if I visit any page with the browser, it takes time as if it was not pre-cached. What I noticed as well is that after visiting the page in browser, the loading time on next visit is very fast as it should be.
What can the problem be? I am successfully using this method on a Drupal 6 page with no problems. Error log shows nothing except favicon.ico does not exist.
The access log for URLs looks like the following:
www.xxx.sk - - [01/Jan/2013:18:09:12 +0100] "GET /myurl HTTP/1.1" 200 31532 "-" "Wget/1.13.4 (cygwin)"
I am NOT logged in
EDIT: I updated drupal 7.14 to 7.19 version but no change. After looking into cache_page table I noticed that all pages visited using browser are generated for some strange reason with _900 at the end like this: www.example.com/examplepath_900. I did not noticed it before because the paths don't fit inside the cells in database tables. So that is why pages are not cached. Also I set up fresh installation of drupal 7 on the same host where caching using wget works as expected with no problems. There can not be problem in htaccess or settings files as well. Maybe some installed module can cause this?