I have what seems like a simple question about something it seems like many Drupal users would want to do, yet I cannot seem to find a good answer. I want my latest node (preferably of a single content type) to show as the front page. If I add a node, I want it to automatically become the front page. I don't want the front page to list nodes, etc. I found the "Top Node" module, which offers a view called "Single Node", which seems to do exactly what I want, but it has some problems (notably that it breaks the <front> alias used in setting block displays). There must be some way to do something that seems to be so common without an additional module, right?
I am aware that I could create a view that pulls the content from my latest node and creates a new page for it, but that seems like overkill, since the node already exists. Also, some of my node is being created programatically, and I cannot get those parts of the full node using a view.
How can I do this? Is there no built-in way?