I'm having a very difficult time figuring this out, and I'm wondering if it's even possible. I'm using organic groups 7.x-2.x, and I have two "group" types: a student group type and a faculty group type. I also have a "group content" type called blog posts which can post in either group type. What I would like to do is create two views, one to show all blog posts that got posted in all student groups, and another to show the same for faculty groups.
Can anyone provide me insight into how to do this?
Side note: Since OG has switched to using entity reference to assign group membership, I thought it would easy to use this relationship in views to accomplish this, but it looks like it is only using entity reference for the widget, and does not store the data as a normal entity reference field would. Everything I tried with the og_membership relationship seemed to fail, so I'm at a loss here. Any help would be appreciated!