My goal is to have three views of a teaser.
Why different teasers? I have a blog and I'm displaying teasers of the blog entries in different ways because my pages have different layouts for the content.
Here's what my node-blog.tpl.php file looks like
<?php if(isset($node->teaser) && $node->teaser != ''): ?>
<?php if ($is_front): ?>
my code for the teaser on homepage
<?php elseif ?>
This is where I need help, I'm trying to have two different teaser views on the same page.
<?php else: ?>
all other teasers for blog will have this code
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else: ?>
this is the code for the actually blog page.
<?php endif; ?>
If this code didn't help, I'm trying to have it setup like this: Front page = Teaser 1 Blog page (featured) = Teaser 2 Blog page (lower section) = Teaser 3
I would normally create a new view but I'd like to have the code "unformatted" with my custom teaser code.