I have a case where I have a lot of entities that can be stored with Drupal as node (content types) and fields. I had to end up creating 105 content types, 20 taxonomies and in-numerous fields. And the result is that I have right now 1600+ tables in my database. I'm assuming that is not healthy. Please advise.
The other option that I have now is to create entities. I can use entity api module to create a lot of the above content types as separate entities with all properties which would mean that one entity information is stored in one table as opposed to 2 fields for each field (i.e. data and revision). The data in these content types need to be imported but I do not need any CRUD interface for them. Will my database calls be better in terms of performance if I make separate entities instead of content types?
My main objective is to be able to present all the information through views. And I believe that if I have entities, I should be able to display the properties through views. Is that true? I have not tried ECK yet, so I am not sure if creating Entities through interface works clean, so some help in that regard will be very much appreciated.