I need comments on profile2 but with option to vote on parent node / profile after posting a comment.
I've tried reply module but it doesnt support besides I'd have to theme it unlike the original comments in drupal. So I tried to implement below solution that was posted here in other question. Unfortunately don't fully understand and in the quotas you Can find two places that need claryfying. Still I'm not sure if this attached node to profile will work with fivestar?
A nice workaround is to use Rules, Entity reference and Display Suite (or views). First, you create a new content type 'profile_ref_node_type'. Add only comment fields and delete any unnesseccary fields.
You can now create a new node of the type upon creation of the profile via rules. Add the 'entity has field' condition to be able to access.
Which field exactly?
your field. As the action I've used my own PHP code, but you can probably use the standard rules as well. My PHP code for creation of the node and entity reference:
$node = new stdClass; $node->type = 'profile_ref_node_type'; $node->title = 'Profile - [profile2:field-name]'; $node->uid = 1; node_object_prepare($node); node_save($node);
$profile2->field_node = array('und' => array(array('target_id' => $node->nid))); profile2_save($profile2); You then can use this entity reference with display suite to show only the comments on that node (make a new display type if you want to use multiple fields of your node).
I'm not sure what exactly should i do in the DS so it would work.