So I created a nice gallery view and I wanted to add an exposed filter on tags so that my users could filter the content in it.
I created the proper tags ("photo" and "video" for example), created my tags filter using the "autocomplete" setting, checked the "Expose this filter" combobox and checked the "Grouped filters" radio.
Then, I added my two corresponding rows, giving them the respective values "is one of" => "photo" and "is one of" => "video", and left the default row to "Any". I have two nodes containing the tags "photo" for one, and "video" for the other.
Yet when I save everything and go to my gallery view, not only do I not get anything displayed even on the "any" filter, I get this error message:
Unable to find term: all
When I try to use my filters I don't get anymore things, but these messages:
Unable to find term: 1
Unable to find term: 2
These numbers are written in the "?field_tags_tid=" of my URL when I click my exposed filter buttons, but they are not even the corresponding tids of my two tags: "photo" is 11 and "video" is 12...
Even weirder: when on the admin side I change settings of my tags filter to "Dropdown" instead of "Autocomplete", this time I DO get the correct content displayed on my view for the "any" filter, but still nothing for the "Photos" and "Videos" filter, which still point to "?field_tags_tid=1" and "?field_tags_tid=2". But this time, no errors displayed.
Sadly, I cannot even try to put the right tid in my URL. I get the following error:
An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator.
Is this drupal thing completely broken or am I just terribly unlucky?