I am using Drupal 7.

For example, I do not want to show node uid=28 in the list ($page==0). The list page is a "view" without filtering there. So it shows up all the nodes of a specific content type (I only filter with this content type in view setting).

With this function, I can change its title.

function mymodule_node_view($node, $view_mode, $langcode) {
  if ($node->uid == 28) {
    $node->title = "Do not show me!!!";
    $node = NULL;

But I could not work out how to not show up this node at all in the list. I do not want to implement some filtering in view part.

This does not work.

$node = NULL;

I like to use hook_node_view and set more complicated filter logic there.

So basically I like to: implement a view page with only filtering to specific content type that I want; implement a more complicated filtering/selecting method in hook_node_view.


1 Answer 1


Perhaps I misunderstood the question. You have created a view containing nodes of a special content-type and now you would like to exclude a node with nid equal to 28 from the results? If this is the case then I think you should add a new filter of type Content:nid and set it to not equal 28 in your views configuration page.

Also, I don't think the hook_node_view() can be used to filter the results for a view. You can use the hook to modify or add/remove elements from the node before it's being rendered.

Here is a list of all views hooks.

For example you could use the hook_views_query_alter() to add a new filter to the query.

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