I will create the portfolio gallery page using custom content types with thumbnail and bigimage image fields. then i am using the following code for rendering content types
$content_type = 'websiteportfolio';
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$entities = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
->entityCondition('bundle', $content_type)
->propertyCondition('status', 1)
$nodes = entity_load('node', array_keys($entities['node']));?>
$i = 1;
foreach($nodes as $val=>$key1)
<div class="thumbnail-box">
<a href=<?='sites/default/files/'. $key1->field_bigimage['und']['0']['filename']; ?> rel="lightbox[portfolio]" title="<?= 'Portfolio'.$i ?>"><img src=<?='sites/default/files/websiteportfolio/'. $key1->field_images['und']['0']['filename']; ?> alt="<?= 'Portfolio'.$i ?>" /></a>
finally i got the 9 thumbnail images in my page and also light box functionality working well.My issue Only show first 9 images I need pagination for showing the remaining images how can fix this issue..