When displaying a taxonomy term, how can I also display the teasers of all the child terms of the current term? I still want to display all the content and fields of the current node, but also display the child teasers.
1 Answer
The taxonomy display won't do this on its own. You could create a view to do this, then display the view below the term page.
If you call the view from a taxonomy term template you could use a "Contextual filter" to pass the term id (tid).
Thank you for the answer. As far as I understand it now, this is only possible by overriding the taxonomy-term.tpl.php with some custom PHP. If that's the case, why not just do it all withing the custom theme template, and skip the View? Commented May 24, 2013 at 15:48
After reading the template module source code, looking for functions that do what I want, I came up with this. $terms = taxonomy_get_children($term->tid, $vid); $a = taxonomy_term_view_multiple($terms, 'teaser'); echo drupal_render($a); Does that seem reasonable? Commented May 24, 2013 at 15:59