How can I override the html.tpl.php template for only the "teaser" view mode of the "Article" content type?

I found this on the Drupal 7 Template (Theme Hook) Suggestions page on drupal.org page, but cannot see how to drill down to a specific view mode for a single content type.

html.tpl.php base template: html.tpl.php The following are some examples of how you may override the base template:

  1. html--internalviewpath.tpl.php
  2. List item


See html.tpl.php in the Drupal API documentation for more information.

Will I need to implement a page preprocess hook to accomplish this?

2 Answers 2


As I am sure you know, the teaser view is only/mostly used when a list of nodes are put together, eg, the promoted to front page listing, a View listing, etc.

So, let's say you have a View page listing the most recent Articles, and it's sitting at www.yourhost.com/recent/articles, you could override the html.tpl.php there by creating a html--recent-articles.tpl.php file in your theme and modifying it accordingly.

Views itself also allows the use of node templates when a node is presented in a listing; if that is what you are needing or requiring, the template files there are along the lines of node-view-VIEWNAME.tpl.php.


Though Jimajamma is right, unless you're doing something insanely abstract, I wouldn't recommend doing a template override to simply edit a "teaser".

If you need more control of your displays, use Display Suite, maybe even combined with DS Extras if you need more functionality.

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