I have a content type - lets say favorite color - where you can choose blue, green, red ....

  • One node of favorite color has red
  • Another node of favorite color has green
  • Another node of favorite color has again red

and do so on

I would like to show in views3.7 the name of the color and how often it occurs:

  • red: 10
  • green: 6
  • blue: 3

How do I do this? I think its aggregation but I cant display the number of each result...

  • I'm assuming that the 'favorite color' is a tag or vocabulary term? Commented Jul 8, 2013 at 18:51

1 Answer 1


If what you're trying to show is the number of nodes tagged with a certain term (I'm assuming that color field is a term, not a select text field), then the following Drupalwoo tutorial has detailed step-by-step instructions on creating a view that shows the number of nodes per term.

Here are the basics - just without the screenshots.

  1. Your view should be setup to display taxonomy terms, not nodes.
  2. Add a relationship that is 'Taxonomy term: Content using <term name>', in your case the term name will be something like 'Color'
  3. Configure the relationship to be required or not: depending on whether you want to show colors even if there are no nodes tagged with that color
  4. Select to use aggregation in the view's advanced settings
  5. Add a node field to this view that is excluded from the display, but is used to count the number of node instances under each term. I would select the 'Node: nid' field for this purpose. Make sure to use the relationship setup above
  6. Finally - select 'Count DISTINCT' as the type of aggregation for this field
  7. You'll probably want to style the output a little: in your example you want to use a colon between the term and the count, while in the blog's example above there are parentheses! Feel free to style however!

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