Drupal doesn't call the theme function for my form in my module (error log: Theme hook wc_challenge_actions not found.). I found similar posts on stack exchange, but none of the solutions works for me.
Form declaration
function wc_challenge_actions($form, &$form_state, weACT_Challenge $challenge) {
$form['action_groups']['#tree'] = TRUE;
$form['action_groups']['#type'] = 'fieldset';
$form['action_groups']['#title'] = t('Action groups');
$form['action_groups']['#theme'] = 'wc_challenge_actions';
// rest of form definition, works correctly
return $form;
Theme function
function theme_wc_challenge_actions($variables) {
drupal_set_message('The theme worked!');
// rest
Drupal never calls this function... Any ideas?