Is there some way we can use <br> or javascript line breaks in Node, Page and/or Block Title fields?


3 Answers 3


When I need that - or something similar - I mostly type something like 'title|subtitle' right in the title field. Then right before rendering, I replace all '|' chars with breaks.

And recently, someone wanted bold & line breaks in titles, so I added a textarea with WYSIWYG and auto-filled the real title field ( that I put hidden ) with a stripped down version of what was in the textarea.

So basically, I use work-arounds. Just a thought.

To solve your problem for Blocks, you can always use the Bean module. That way, you can make different 'types' of Blocks, all fieldable. And then implement the method I used with the WYSIWYG.

  • Thanks, I have used duble pipe sign || and replaced that through javascript. Pipe signs automaticaly removed from page title. Commented Oct 22, 2013 at 21:00

I have found there is good reason why Drupal restricts html in titles. If you need a subtitle, it is best to create an additional field in the content type, then position it using the Display Suite module.

  • I agree that there must be some good reasons but still I want to know if there is a way. Does this aproach works for block titles ?? Commented Oct 10, 2013 at 18:10
  • No, I don't think Display Suite would help with blocks. But you could still create a custom view for a block and customize an additional field below the title as well.
    – Paul
    Commented Oct 10, 2013 at 20:03

Try css, change title width for pages you want to have breaks.

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