I have a view that I've created that selects blog posts based on a specific taxonomy term, creating a sort of "Featured Posts" view that I've embedded on the front page of my site. The issue I keep running into is trying to output the view so that each post is semantically marked up using some of the new HTML. I've tried the built-in "Rewrite this field's output", but it ignores the tags I use (ie, article, header, footer) and wraps everything in divs even when I deselect the placeholder tags.
Should I create a overriding views--view_name.tpl.php to rewrite the output of each post as it appears in the view, or do I need to use preprocess hooks in the template.php to affect the output?
I should state that I have basic experience with writing PHP and preprocess hooks, but I can any resources I need to move me down the linke if I'm pointed in the right direction.