This is a follow-up to this question about automatic node title generation.
I'm using the "Question of the Week" content type. Its fields are "Date," and "Answer;" "Question" is its title.
What I want is a view with a collapsible field for "Answer." The view is used in a block shown in the front page ("This week's questions"), and on a page ("Past questions").
How can I get a view that has a collapsable field?
- Automatic Node Title doesn't work the way I want it (can't hide hours, Doesn't update title when content is changed, etc)
- View Accordion won't let me hide last of three fields (so I can't show two fields, "Date," and "Question," while hiding answers with VA).
- Collapsable Text plugin screams about depreciated functions and breaks other stuff.
- I don't see how to combine two fields into one in Views.
I either need to be able to collapse/hide a single field within a view, or combine two fields into one for the view. I'm looking "Computed field" now; I am not sure how to create a field via PHP, though.
I'm trying to make this into a computed field that adds the two fields together, "Date" and "Question," but all the examples I can find are Drupal 6.