I've been requested by a client to completely block the URLs that contain a /node/## after the hostname to prevent these locations from being indexed by search engines. My issue is that I've already defined a Page Not Found node that gets shown with error 404s.

I've already implemented a modification in the robots.txt file to include

Disallow: /node/
Disallow: /?q=node/

to prevent the web-crawler bots. However, the URLs are still directly accessible. So in this case, the client wants two different 404 actions:

  • www.clientname.com/testttt -> Drupal renders 404 page
  • www.clientname.com/node/897 -> blocked completely without returning Drupal's 404 page.

Does any module allow for this kind of functionality?

  • Just an FYI, Drupal will go to some lengths to make these URLs known to the worlds as permalinks / short URLs. In an ideal world, Globalredirect will solve this issue as it will 301 these to the alias you have defined.
    – mpdonadio
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 14:50
  • @MPD, but the client does not want these links redirected. They want the links blocked completely in a Apache default 403 or 404 page.
    – Jason
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 15:43
  • I mainly mention it as this is likely a non-issue. A spider may get to the site via the node URL, but the 301 will tell it to not index that page. I do not recall seeing any indexed node URLs on sites where Globalredirect is working properly. However, if the client requested this...
    – mpdonadio
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 20:07

2 Answers 2


What about using hook_init in a custom module?

function hook_init() {
    // check arg(2) is empty as otherwise will block node edit and delete pages
    if(substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, 5) == '/node' && arg(2)=='') {
        die(); // to stop completely
        //return drupal_not_found(); // to return 404 page
        //return drupal_access_denied()(); // to return 403 page

Saying that it would be quicker to block these pages in .htaccess...


I solved this with a .htaccess addition

RewriteRule ^node?$ - [F]
RewriteRule ^node/[0-9]+$ - [F]

These throw the 403 errors before Drupal catches them, which is what the client wanted.

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