I have one view in which i want to upload picture(image) or embed video(text). I want to add condition either picture or video field required. and also user can not fill both value user can fill only one value.

I also tried to use https://drupal.org/project/conditional_fields but it can not work for me.

I reffered https://drupal.org/node/355264 . I hope this will help me but I am new in Drupal so how can I used this.

Any help will be appreciate.

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


An approach could be adding a previous radio button field where the user must select which field is going to fill, and the show this field with conditional field. (Both fields should be required)

  • On base this radio button how can i show/hide image or video in form. Commented May 2, 2014 at 8:27

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