I have a taxonomy called Projects and it has terms like Project1, Project2 etc. I have added a user called ProjectUser1, and assigned a new role called ProjectRole with it. Now I want to give Permissions to ProjectRole so that when ProjectUser1 logins, he can only see the content that has Project1 taxonomy and he can Publish, Unpublish, Edit or Delete only those content. He shouldn't be able to see the contents which doesn't have Project1 taxonomy.

Can anyone help?


2 Answers 2


I think you are looking for Taxonomy Access Control

Access control for user roles based on taxonomy categories (vocabulary, terms).

Automatically controls access to nodes (based on their taxonomy terms).
Three node access permission types: View, Update, Delete.
  • I tried this, but non-admin user can still edit the other content which doesn't have that particular taxonomy, or he couldn't edit any content. Can you please help me with this? Commented Jun 19, 2014 at 15:47

Instead of using taxonomy and roles, you should use the Organic Group Module. - Turn a new content type, for instance ProjectGroup, into a private group - Make content type Project a group content - Assign Projects and Users into their ProjectGroups

In order to give non-admin users the permission to publish and unpublish content, you can use the Publish module

  • I can't create new content type or taxonomy, I have to use the existing ones. Can you explain this please in more detail? Suppose I have content type called Event, Taxonomy vocabulary "Country" and term "United Kingdom". Now I want to give permission to non-admin user if a content has Country = United Kingdom, then he can edit, publish, delete that particular content, but in general he can see all the contents. Commented Jun 19, 2014 at 15:46
  • I'm afraid using the Organic Group Module without being able to create a new content type isn't possible, sorry.
    – user32285
    Commented Jun 30, 2014 at 8:54

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