I'm having a problem with views and caching. Within a custom module, i do changes on my database, which is working fine, but my view won't show that changes until I clear all caches.
I tried to deactivate views-caching here "admin/structure/views/settings/advanced" Caching in the view is deactivated too And the whole caching is deactivated here "admin/config/development/performance"
But I still have to clear all caches on every change I make to see what I did. Is there a chance to stop caching for that view by code in the module? Or any other possibility?
EDIT: I now tried a module called "CacheExclude" and
$GLOBALS['conf']['cache'] = 0;
$conf['cache'] = FALSE;
but no change :(
EDIT 2: Here is the code where I change the field in the database:
foreach($books as $book) {
$query = db_update('field_data_field_zuordnung')
'field_zuordnung_value' => 'verkauft',
->condition('entity_id', $book->product_id, '=')
The change is done in the DB, but it isn't shown in the view. After that, I use drupal_goto to move to a "you're done site".