I'm having trouble figuring out how to have a registration in different phases. This is what I would like to do:

  • A user registers with a name and an email or register with facebook.
    He will receive an email to set his password.
  • The user can now bookmark nodes. But when he would like to create a node of content type Proposal he needs to complete a full registration (I'm using Multi-step registration module). An email will be send to the administrator who needs to check the data and give the user a new role.

For now I have the second step. A user register with a complete form. But how can I add the facebook register or name/email register before it?

  • I Think you need to play with Roles here after step1 users have authenticated user role and after complete registeration they will have editor say another role & provide permission to add content to this role only(editor) Commented Aug 22, 2014 at 9:03

1 Answer 1


Seems to me that you should consider the Profile2 module for getting this to work.

Excerpt from issue # 1796856 :

Multi-Step Registration module works out of the box with Profile2 and all we need to do is assign the profile type to a particular step.

That same issue also contains some extra details about getting around possible access errors.

Refer to the Community documentation of Profile2 for more details about this module.

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