I'm in need of an organization system for my JavaScript code Drupal. Currently, I've got it inside a folder in my theme's directory: "sites/all/themes/mytheme/js". I've looked at using Grunt.js, and wondering how I might implement it into my website. How would it help me?

Can it help organize large JavaScript files?

Could it help improve the speed of my website?

  • Sorry to have to close this but it's completely off topic here - setting up grunt isn't related to Drupal in any way, the answer is the same for every type of website - you have some files in some folders, and you run some tasks on them. This would be a decent question for SO, but if wager it's already been asked and answered over there before. If there's a Drupal specific discipline involved here, please update the question and flag for reopening. Many thanks
    – Clive
    Commented Sep 12, 2014 at 7:44

1 Answer 1


I started using Grunt.js by reading their easy to follow tutorial. Then, I created a Gruntfile.js inside of my theme’s js directory “sites/all/themes/mytheme/js/Gruntfile.js”:

  module.exports = function(grunt) {
       pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
       concat: {
          main: {
             src: [
             dest: 'production.js'
       uglify: {
          build: {
             files: {
                'production.min.js': 'production.js',
       jshint: {
          files: ['Gruntfile.js', 'src/*.js'],
          options: {
             globals: {
                jQuery: true,
                console: true,
                module: true,
                document: true
       watch: {
          files: ['src/*.js'],
          tasks: ['concat', 'jshint', 'uglify']


    grunt.registerTask('test', ['concat', 'jshint']);
    grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat', 'jshint', 'uglify']);

My Gruntfile does 3 things for me (right now):

  1. Combines smaller, more manageable files inside src/ into one file.
  2. Checks for errors in my compiled file.
  3. Compresses my file when I’m ready for production.

All I have to do is run grunt watch from the terminal and whenever one of the files inside src/ is changed my production.js file is updated and compressed. When I’m all done debugging I just change the following in my .info file:

scripts[] = js/production[.min].js

This results in faster page loads because only one (smaller) request is being performed as opposed to many uncompressed file requests.

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