I currently use geofield to set latitude and longitude but rules gives me this error:

0 ms Unable to modify data "user:field-coordonnees:lon": Unable to set the data property lon as the parent data structure is not set.

So values are not set and I do not understand why, it's just a set data. The value exists because I can see it in a "Show a message on the site". I've also tried to cast the value as Integer, nothing has changed.

Any idea ?


Geofield Map 7.x-2.3

Geofield 7.x-2.3

geoPHP 7.x-1.7

2 Answers 2


I've found the issue. In fact insted of set a lat and a lon value, I had to use "Create geofield values from lat/lon".


If you see this error it's most likely that the developer forgot to add a proper check (or try/catch block) for his entity_metadata_wrapper() call. Better report this to the module you were using on the drupal.org/geofield page.

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