Use Case: I have a content type called "Team" which contains an email address. I have a view that creates a link to create a webform to contact the Team member and prepopulate the email address in a hidden field.

The Team member does not have a user profile. I do not want to pass the email to the webform url since that would expose it. I do understand how to pass a value to a webform. I want to avoid maintaining a custom module.

Issue: I hoped I could pass the Nid of the content entity and use an entity token to "lookup" the email as a default, hidden field and use that to generate the webform. I'm sure I'm missing something fundamental (please don't down the question ...)

Question: If I can get a token such as [current-page:query:nid] from the URL, how do I use that to get the email field [node:field-email] for say Nid=5? Should token chaining something like [current-page:query:nid:field-email] work? I can't seem to find good documentation on token reference chaining - that would be very helpful.

Installed D7.33, Token, Entity Token, Entity Reference.

I have viewed several similar cases that do not apply: https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/95774/how-to-pass-a-token-to-webform-from-a-node-relationship referencing/linking to an entityform and passing nid/other field information through the URL Creating a token for the image field file path with node reference nid https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/95774/how-to-pass-a-token-to-webform-from-a-node-relationship

Note: I found this module, but not sure if it is necessary: https://www.drupal.org/project/aet

  • Can you sidestep the problem by inserting the email to a 'private' field and hence not 'expose' it? Commented Nov 14, 2014 at 1:08
  • yes, but it will be exposed in the URL and lower corner of the browser. I'm ok with obfuscation but that is pretty obvious. Commented Nov 15, 2014 at 23:36

1 Answer 1


How many teams are there?

If not too many, you could set up categories in your site contact form in admin/structure/contact that represent each team then pass the team name to the contact form, thus not exposing the email address.

  • nice idea but will be a lot to manage. perhaps i could set up a rule to create a term for each contact but it requires maintaining a lot. was hoping there was a simple way. Commented Nov 15, 2014 at 23:34

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