I have installed multi_upload_filefield_widget.

I would like to change every file widget of every file type fields of every node type programatically.

i would need to automate this change since i have multiple sites and multiple content type.

  //when enabling the module
  function multi_upload_filefield_widget_enable() {
        //code to loop through all node types fields for one site

       // if type is file 
            // replace widget 'file' to 'multiupload
            //save content type with this new value

Here is where i am at

       $types = node_type_get_types();

       foreach ($types as $type){   

            foreach ($fields as $field){
               if ($field['widget']['module']=='file'){         
                 // my fields don't get saved !?
                //field_attach_update("node", $field);
                 //field_update_field ( $field );


How can i save these modified fields ?

any help would be appreciated

1 Answer 1


It seems like this could do the job: Programmatically change form widget type for a field

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