In hook_node_load I need to get the width and height of a styled image, for a given fid.

The image style has only height effect and the width is scaled and calculated by Drupal, so using image_styles() is of no use.

My code so far is like this:

  $field_image = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_image', LANGUAGE_NONE);
  $img_uri = file_load($field_image[0]['fid']);
  $img_url = image_style_url('mystyle', $img_uri->uri);
  $img_info = image_get_info ($img_url);

$img_info gives me FALSE instead of the info. How to get the width?

1 Answer 1


according to documentation, you just need image_style_path instead of image_style_url

and finally

 $field_image = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_image', LANGUAGE_NONE);
 $img_uri = file_load($field_image[0]['fid']);
 $img_url = image_style_path('mystyle', $img_uri->uri);
$img_info = image_get_info ($img_url);
  • This finally worked for me (with two additional steps): $img_uri = file_load($field_image[0]['fid']); $img_style_uri = image_style_path('mystyle', $img_uri->uri); $img_url = file_create_url($img_style_uri); $img_server_path = drupal_realpath($img_style_uri); $img_info = image_get_info ($img_server_path); --- Besides, for this to work, the styled image must already be created (displayed at least once)
    – camcam
    Commented Feb 9, 2015 at 12:07

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