I have created View and that is with edit node from admin side, and I want to send same view by printing in email and I am using code to print view in email like this

$items['user/%user/display']['access callback'] = false;
$viewName = 'example_view_1';
print views_embed_view($viewName); 

But there is edit node link also whenever I see from admin side,but whenever I got same view in email then it will not show edit link of node, Let me know if anyone have solution.

1 Answer 1


Finally I have done this reminder this way.

module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.submissions'); 
$submissions = webform_get_submissions(nodeid);

and checked roles while printing node data in loop and get edit link through $base_url; and print into simple tabular format. Let me know if any query in it.

Thanks for the support.

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