I created a user login page, and used the login destination module to redirect my user to a new "front page" I created using views.

On this "front page" I call all the nodes created by the logged in user, so a user can see newly created nodes.

My question is, how do I call a message or view which tells my user when a node has been deleted or edited? This "front page" acts as a 'notification wall', which the user can see everything that is added or edited. It will become more complex later where admins will be able to edit user nodes. So I need to let the user know when he/admin has edited or deleted a node.

2 Answers 2


For long term logging of activities on a website to show on a wall look at Message module. It helps to support the idea of an Activity Stream on a site.

The Message module is the core of the message stack. It enables logging and displaying system events in a number of different use cases. Events that are recorded over time are sometimes call activity streams. Exportable messages subtypes can be created for different use cases with custom fields and display (view) modes.

  • Perfect! exactly what I needed.
    – user45549
    Commented Mar 23, 2015 at 17:43

You can used Rules, and/or Views Rules.

Here is the rule that you need to created:

  1. Event: When a node from a content have been delete or updated.

  2. Condition: based on role.

  3. Action: message display if a node from an specific content type have been remove or updated

  • It sounds like if an Admin or he edits a node he wants that information to show, regardless of if the edit occurred while he was asleep, or logged out, your solution only deals with immediate status notifications. For long term recording of such events look at drupal.org/project/message
    – tenken
    Commented Mar 23, 2015 at 17:00
  • Thanks, this works. But I can only display the message as a status, warning or error. That appears only once. I want the message to display on the 'front page' and stay there. Similarly to when a new node is created, and shown on the front page of your site.
    – user45549
    Commented Mar 23, 2015 at 17:03
  • Thanks @tenken. I will try your solution. Will let you know.
    – user45549
    Commented Mar 23, 2015 at 17:04

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