In drupal 7, I defined a field for a custom content type and am trying to display its value via page.tpl.php. Nothing is appearing in the rendered page.
Here's the relevant piece of page.tpl.php. The field is 'field_mast". Note that I added print $title just so I could be sure that this template is being used. It is.
<h1>Perinote™ <?php print $content['field_mast'] ?><br>
<?php print $title ?> <br>Organize Your Way</h1>
My content type fields are:
Label machine name field type widget
Title title Node module element
mast field_mast Text Text field
Body body Long text and summary Text area with a summary
And for Manage Display, I have:
Field Label Format
Body <Hidden> Default
mast Above Default
Finally, for my actual content, I have:
Title: Notes contacts....
mast: User Guide
Body <p>This user guide...
Text format: Full HTML
Any ideas on what I need to do to get 'mast' to print?