If you copied the node.tpl
and renamed it to node--post.tpl.php
then there is no differences between the codes. So how did you find out it was not overridden?
If you have modified the code and you are sure your node template file is not overridden, I recommend you to use theme hook suggestion as follow:
Install the entity module. If the post content type has the fields: title, field_f1 and field_f2 then use this code
function YourThemeName_preprocess_node(&$variables)
$node = $variables['node'];
if($node->type == "post"){
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node',$variables['node']);
$variables['title'] = $wrapper->title->value();
$variables['f1'] = $wrapper->field_f1->value();
$variables['f2'] = $wrapper->field_f2->value();
Now create file page--post--file.tpl.php
and use the variables $title
, $f1
and $f2
in it.