I am loading data from a CSV file into a content type and everything is working fine except when I try to import a long text field / comment field. The data in the comment field should be treated as straight text.
Here is my data I am trying to upload via feeds:
LP 8/28/13 strategy: extend to 2020. LP 4/8 LL First Allied rejected concept. LP 4/17 meeting: 5 yrs. LP 9/24/14 strategy: 10 yrs.3/2-Spoke w/Jordan Raines-First Allied last week. Submitted LOI on 3/2.
When I try to upload this, I receive the error message:
SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\xFFexten...' for column 'field_store_comments_value' at row 1
SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\xFFexten...' for column 'message' at row 1
So my question is, how do I get Feeds import of a text string into a long text field to ignore the date strings in the comment? I do not want the dates treated as dates. I want the dates to be treated as a string of characters.
Or what am I doing wrong?
The CSV file has a comment in it. I know the Feeds map is correct because I put the test "This is a test comment" in the csv and it loaded fine. But when I put the full comment in, it does not work.
Any thoughts?