There is a string which gets displayed in the mobile menu.
var arrowimages = {
down: 'downarrowclass',
right: 'rightarrowclass'
}, $mainNav = $('#navigation'), $mainList = $mainNav.find('ul').eq(0), optionsList = '<option value="" selected>Navigate...</option>', $submenu = $mainList.find("ul").parent();
I want to make this string translatable using t() function. So edited the JS file like this:
var arrowimages = {
down: 'downarrowclass',
right: 'rightarrowclass'
}, $mainNav = $('#navigation'), $mainList = $mainNav.find('ul').eq(0), optionsList = '<option value="" selected>'.t('Navigate...').'</option>', $submenu = $mainList.find("ul").parent();
After that the string was available for translation but the menu option was missing from the mobile view. Is there any solution for this? Or am I doing any mistake?