A node has a uid field. In a node view I would like to add a field to show the author name with his pictures. I now added a field and using entity referencing to a view with all users where I can select the user of the node, and displaying the entity as a useraccount has the desired result. But now I need to select the author so that's very bad, i could update the field using node_update hook but this is so ugly I'm out looking for a way how this should be done. So basically I need to display fields form the node owner on the node as a field.

Came up with a different approach created code fields with display suite and used this for the userimage for example, works fine and no extra modules needed using this method.

if ($node = menu_get_object()) {
  $user = user_load($node->uid);
  print theme('user_picture', array('account' =>$user));

2 Answers 2


In view go to Relationship Tab under Advanced and add relationship called Content: Author. Now you can able to add a field of your author name and picture.

If you need to get particular node author details means you can just add Content: Nid under contextual Filter.

In Nid Relationship settings select ** Provide default value** in that select a type as Content ID from URL, now have the author details..

  • Hello, was not using views, just displaying a node.
    – byenary
    Commented Jul 17, 2015 at 20:55

What if you create an Entity Views Attachment. Checkout some quick instructions on setting this up: http://megadrupal.com/blog/show-author-profile-block-in-drupal-node.

  • Thx, I'll look into that, thx.
    – byenary
    Commented Jul 17, 2015 at 20:55

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