I have a custom module which displays multiple content types in tabs. My module uses a custom tpl.php which renders the tabs and the contents(of multiple types).

The challenge is to have custom tpl.php for each content types I render. The theme file node--TYPE.tpl.php works when I directly hit a node of a TYPE. But it is not used when I rendered the node content using the below code,

    $node = node_load($aTab['nid']);
    $view = node_view($node, 'full');
    $rendered = drupal_render($view);

What is the suggestion to have my module to render each content types using their custom theme file.

1 Answer 1


You shouldn't be printing it with print_r(), just try print.

$node = node_load($aTab['nid']);
$view = node_view($node, 'full');
print drupal_render($view);

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