I have read tutorials and drushcommands site, but I'm missing something...
My desired info is as follows:
- Database name: scratch
- Database username: scratch
- Database password: 1
- Account name: scratch (admin login?)
- Account password: 1 (admin password?)
- Site in English
I have the username set up in PHP my admin, desired website URL is localhost/scratch
My Drush command is:
drush dl drupal-7.x
drush site-install --db-su:scratch --db-su-pw:1 --account-name:scratch
--account-pass:1 --account-mail:[email protected] --locale:EN
Am I missing something? I'm getting these errors:
e:\xampp-portable\htdocs>drush site-install --db-su:scratch --db-su-pw:1 --account-name:scratch --account-pass:1 --account-mail:[email protected] --locale:EN
Command site-install needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment to run this command.
The drush command 'site-install' could not be executed. [error]