In some way I have imported a legacy large database schema to Drupal's database schema. Everything works fine and the imported contents is working fine as nodes.
However, when I try to perform Bulk Update for aliases via admin/config/search/path/update_bulk
, using pathauto module, I got the following error message after about 4825 items :
An AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 500 Debugging information follows. Path: /drupal/batch?render=overlay&id=1074&op=do StatusText: Service unavailable (with message) ResponseText: EntityMalformedException: Missing bundle property on entity of type node. in entity_extract_ids() (line 7844 of /xxxxx/drupal/includes/
The following is a screen shot:
Clicking on the link titled Please continue to the error Page just send me to the bulk Update page with error message:
An error occurred while processing pathauto_bulk_update_batch_process with arguments : pathauto_bulk_update_batch_process
I could not able to find more detailed debug info and I don't know what's the matter?
Last version of Pathauto is used.