Hello Drupal Stack Exchange crowd. I am working on building a view for a content type that has several fields and an image. I am using an "Unformulated list"
Using Drupal 7 core and the most recent update of views.
My goal is to align the field image to the right so the text is right next to it.
I have put the text field and image "Inline" in field settings and "remove HTML" formatting and changed the text to "Plain Text". This places the text starting at the bottom right corner of the image but I'm wanting the text to align starting at the top right. I have tried rewriting the field to do this but have had no luck.
It seems like something like this would be very simple without .css
(since I'm not the best at it).
My Questions are:
If I use
, what style sheet should I insert the code into (Views, Theme, ??)?Is there a way to get around using a
to accomplish what I want to do?
Thank you in advance for your time. WO
Addition info 10/22/15 - in response to argiepiano: I already use and love display suite and have never noticed the "Display Suite" option in Views. THANK YOU. I have gone through the first 5 videos but: I still have trouble getting text/images to align correctly in Display Suite (css), do you mayhap know of any good videos or articles on that?
Thanks Again, WO