i have news site for about 7 months.
The site get new feeds every hour but google take about 1 day to index them and only few of them.
I see other sites that instantly index. "1 hours ago etc". Mine newest in google says "19 hours ago"+. And after some errors with sitemap, now i have 0 links last 2-3 days.
So, i wan't to share my configs and you tell me if something is wrong:
- Feeds module import feeds every hour
- cron runs every 3 hours
- xmlsitemap sumbission time to search engines is every 3 hour
I want to notice that i have arround 130.000 links. I have many feeds who import content. Maby are too much to index? idk
So, what im doing wrong? PS: Also, every time i submit xml sitemap, i must ping google? if yes, i ping home page or xmlsitemap?