I want to add a menu item the right way See "Edit IV Block" in the picture below.

cog menu for panelizer

That is the wrong way to do it.

The code is here: http://api.drupalecommerce.org/api/panels/panels!plugins!display_renderers!panels_renderer_editor.class.php/function/panels_renderer_editor%3A%3Aget_pane_links/7.x

If you search for drupal_alter('get_pane_links', $links, $pane, $content_type); you can see that the get_pane_links hook is supposed to fire, but for some reason it does not fire.

My question is, it seems like drupal_alter('get_pane_links') is the correct way to add menu items, but I've tried adding functions in other modules and they don't get called. I modified the code to do

echo 'before';
drupal_alter('get_pane_links', $links, $pane, $content_type);
echo 'after';

And no dice. What is the correct way to add a menu item or how to I implement this hook?

1 Answer 1


Cleared the cache and then it worked. Found this by doing a $modules = module_implements('get_pane_links_alter');

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