I have created vocabulary called Category and it contains below hierarchy

  term 1.1
     term 1.1.1
     term 1.1.2
     term 1.1.3
  term 1.2

and i have assigned to this category to content type called Product after that i have displayed those product items based on category using views with panels it's working fine.when i click product title the url goes like this


but i want path like this

http://www.example.com/category/term1/term1.1/term1.1.1/product-title category with term based product title using views.

Please suggest possible ways,


1 Answer 1


Try to change alias pattern for products. Install Entity Token + Pathauto, and on Pattern tab in alias settings (admin/config/search/path/patterns) try to use something like:

  • Thanks for quick [email protected] have tried following pattern from my site available tokens "[node:field-categories:1:parents:join:/]/[node:field-categories:1:name]/[node:title]" but no change when i clk product title.also i have separate template files also other then pattern is there any hardcode one "<?php echo $fields['title']->content; ?>" Commented Mar 29, 2016 at 10:26

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