Note: as a neophyte user, I'm not allowed multiple links or images. It has been suggested that I edit my original content in order to add updates. Also it's been suggested to edit the hyperlinks so they're not quite right. Hopefully you can sort out what's going on.
I've been following this post by Kristin Brinner "Drupal Tutorial: Use Views to Create an Alphabetical List of Taxonomy Terms" (at h ttp:// but my sample does not produce the results illustrated and by now I'm very confused.
Part 1: said to create new view showing taxonomy terms, display in grid format and create menu link. Done.
Part 2: grouped terms alphabetically (add Taxonomy term: Name, label it "Grouping", exclude from display, rewrite to max length = 1 and uncheck 'trim on word boundary' and 'add ellipsis'). Under Grid-Settings use "Grouping" apply to all displays. My view looks like the sample. Done.
Part 3, Create a Views page for each letter of the alphabet: said to add a Contextual Filter: Taxonomy term: Name. When the filter value is NOT in the url, display all results for specified field. Under More, click Glossary mode, character limit = 1. Note that I now have a Taxonomy term: Name in the Contextual Filter section. I don't know how to test these results.
Part 4, Create A-Z list (create a block that will display the list of first letters in a cute list above the grouping grids) says to add a new Contextual Filter for this block (override). When the filter value is not available, 'display a summary', sort by alphabetical, unformatted, display record count and display items inline. This isn't working as predicted, here is what the tutorial says should be the result: Image 1 in the diagram (h ttp:// My content continues to look the same as it did previously in the exercise, i.e. like this: Image 2 in the diagram. However when I put "S" into the Preview with contextual filters, I get: Image 3 in the diagram. I was asked for screenshots, so without contextual filters is h ttp:// and with "s" in contextual filters is h ttp:// .
When I created the new contextual filter in Part 4, I got a copy of what was in the Page, so I have two contextual filters, both with Taxonomy term: Name. If I delete the first contextual filter from the block, then my preview shows the same information as Image 1 in the diagram. I think I'm missing something &/or the blog post is unclear. Should I have started "this block override" with 0 contextual filters? I.e. Should I have started by deleting elements from the page which were copied into the block?
Part 5 instructs to "Add the alphabetical list on our page with the grouped terms and Go back to our Page display".
I've got the view working correctly now. The thing which stumped me was that adding a block created an entire copy of the original page which (philosophically) I don't understand. When there's a page and a block override which give instructions about the view, how does drupal know which instructions to pay attention to?
Thanks to all the folks who have helped.