Trying to set a default value on an entity reference field.

$unitid = node_load($unit);
$form['field_choose_a_service']['und']['#default_value'] = $unitid;

Warning: Illegal offset type in form_type_checkboxes_value() (line 2390 of /homepages/43/d503288075/htdocs/example.co.uk/includes/form.inc).

Notice: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to int in form_process_checkboxes() (line 3316 of /homepages/43/d503288075/htdocs/example.co.uk/includes/form.inc).

And targeting the nid from that loaded node...

$unitid = node_load($unit);
$form['field_choose_a_service']['und']['#default_value'] = $unitid->nid;

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in form_type_checkboxes_value() (line 2389 of /homepages/43/d503288075/htdocs/example.co.uk/includes/form.inc).

The first one actually works, but kicks up the errors. What am I doing wrong?

Essentially I want to check if the nid im passing in the URL as a _GET query matches an option in the entity reference checkbox options, and make that option selected if it does.


1 Answer 1


Try this one:

$unitid = node_load($unit);
$form['field_choose_a_service']['und']['#default_value'] = array($unitid->nid);

And please note that node_load returns an object but not a ID. I see you use $unitid as the variable name. It can make people confused.

  • 1
    I supposed that $unitid should be a node as it is the value from node_load()....
    – Jimmy Ko
    Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 9:48
  • Yep, that worked. I'm guessing that worked because the default value is expecting an array, even if there is only one? Thanks!
    – Collins
    Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 10:33
  • @Collins I think field uses checkboxes rather than checkbox in all cases. And checkboxes only accept array as value. And the error happen on form_type_checkboxes_value() can prove it.
    – Jimmy Ko
    Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 10:36

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