My custom content Entity overrides label() to provide a dynamically generated, human-readable label like:

public function label() {
  return $this->displayName();

Unfortunately, that label does not get used by the EntityViewController. In my module.routing.yml file I have:

  path: '/admin/veranstaltung/{veranstaltung}'
    _entity_view: 'veranstaltung'
    _entity_access: 'veranstaltung.view'

I can now view my "veranstaltung" entities, but the page title is blank and the breadcrumb just shows the entity's id instead of its label.

Looking in EntityViewController::buildTitle() I can now see why this is the case:

$label_field = $entity->getEntityType()->getKey('label');
if (isset($page[$label_field])) {
  $page['#title'] = $this->renderer->render($page[$label_field]);

I don't have a label key, as I want the labels to be dynamically generated.

Any suggestions how to best deal with this problem?

1 Answer 1


Similar to the NodeViewController, you can write you own VeranstaltungViewController extending EntityViewController, and implement a title function. In your route can then set _title_callback to use this function (see NodeRouteProvider as reference).

  • Sounds plausible. I guess, if I override EntityViewController::buildTitle(), I won't need the _title_callback?
    – Hendrik
    Commented Aug 12, 2016 at 14:35
  • That is how I understood the titles: The page title is generated by buildTitle(), and the breadcrumbs by either _title or _title_callback
    – Maouna
    Commented Aug 12, 2016 at 15:45
  • So, just to get an understanding of this: Why doesn't EntityViewController use EntityInterface::label() to generate page titles and bread crumbs?
    – Hendrik
    Commented Aug 17, 2016 at 9:29
  • 1
    EntityViewController contains a comment explaining the reason: // If the entity's label is rendered using a field formatter, set the // rendered title field formatter as the page title instead of the default // plain text title. This allows attributes set on the field to propagate // correctly (e.g. RDFa, in-place editing). It does not use the string of the label, but renders it with its field formatter.
    – Maouna
    Commented Aug 17, 2016 at 14:39

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