Is there a way to programmatically add translations for strings (user interface translation), for example in hook_update_N()
With Drupal 7, I could use the following code.
* Helper to manually add a single translation string.
* After adding strings use locale_clear_cache() for clearing caches.
function locale_add_translation($source, $langcode, $translation, $context = '', $textgroup = 'default') {
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
$report = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array('additions' => 0, 'updates' => 0, 'deletes' => 0, 'skips' => 0));
_locale_import_one_string_db($report, $langcode, $context, $source, $translation, $textgroup, 'Manual import via helper ' . __FUNCTION__ .'().', LOCALE_IMPORT_OVERWRITE);
* Helper to clear the locale cache.
function locale_clear_cache() {
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
// Clear locale cache.
cache_clear_all('locale:', 'cache', TRUE);