How can I add different Bootstrap menus to menu_tree_output()?

I know this is a very common question asked by a number of people earlier. I have found tons of answers, but none of them are working for me. However, I have tried a number snippets and here is the latest piece of code I am working on to get all menus and sub-menus.

  $menuTree = menu_tree_all_data('main-menu');
  $menu_tree_array = menu_tree_output($menuTree);
  print render($menu_tree_array);

It works and prints all the submenus, however, It adds the same "menu" class to all parent ul. Rather I would like add sub-menu classes like the below output:

<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
  <div class="menu-top-menu-container">
    <ul id="menu-top-menu" class="nav navbar-nav">
        <a href="http://example.com/">Home</a>
        <a href="http://example.com/biography/">Biography</a>
        <a href="#">Services</a>
        <ul class="sub-menu"> <!-- Like this. -->

2 Answers 2


What you want is theme_menu_link(). See the example here.


You can always use the Menu attributes module.


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