How can I rebuild the node access permissions?

drupal node:access:rebuild returns the following error message.

[Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException] There are no commands defined in the "node:access" namespace.

I am using Drupal Console 0.11.3 and Drupal 8.2.0-rc2.

3 Answers 3


If you're having issues with Drupal Console, you don't have access to it, or you're not using Drush, you can also do it via the UI.

  • Login as an administrator
  • Visit /admin/reports/status (also located via the menu at Reports->Status report
  • Find the Node access permissions section
  • Click on the Rebuild Permissions link (which is also located on /admin/reports/status/rebuild)
  • 1
    Worth mentioning that when doing this from the UI it can get quite a lengthy process when having a huge amount of nodes. PHP settings may need to be adjusted accordingly.
    – leymannx
    Commented Dec 27, 2018 at 23:55

With Drush:

drush php-eval 'node_access_rebuild();'

With Drupal Console:

drupal node:access:rebuild

  • +1 for Drush, -1 for posting the exact command OP posted in their question.
    – leymannx
    Commented Dec 27, 2018 at 23:37
  • 4
    Worth mentioning that when you have quite lots of nodes you better batch the process like so: drush php-eval 'node_access_rebuild($batch_mode = TRUE)'.
    – leymannx
    Commented Dec 27, 2018 at 23:46
  • 1
    Would be useful you'd link the docs as well: node_access_rebuild()
    – leymannx
    Commented Dec 28, 2018 at 0:00

For those people for whom running node_access_rebuild function using drush is not working.

I'm not very familiar with drush internals, but the code drush php-eval 'node_access_rebuild();' won't trigger batch processing. At least on the next drupal/drush versions (9.2.8, 10.6.1).

The thing is node_access_rebuild function do not call batch processing immediaetly.

What worked for me is writing drush script to call batch processing explicitly:

// filename: rebuildPermissions.drush.php
// usage: drush scr ./rebuildPermissions.drush.php
// based on topic https://www.drupal.org/node/873132
node_access_rebuild($batch_mode = TRUE);

$batch =& batch_get();
$batch['progressive'] = FALSE;

and then just run it: drush scr rebuildPermissions.drush.php

But in the end of the day I've used node_access_rebuild_progressive module for my needs and rebuilt 12K rules for 92K nodes in 5 minutes using drush.

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