I am trying to call Owl Carousel from a custom module, but despite the short description of how to do that on https://www.drupal.org/node/2412689, can't figure out.

I could use Views, but then I need to call either list of nodes or node fields, but in this case, I have several items which need to be rotated in a variable. I could put them into array if the implementation requires it.

So basically my question is:

Given a list of items in a variable (or array) how can I rotate them using the Owl Carousel module?

1 Answer 1


Assuming you've an array, you can print the array items one by one in wrapper <div> tag, and apply Own Carousel to wrapper <div> tag (check owl-demo class in example below). To do this in Drupal, you can process your array in your module to create HTML, and apply JS using drupal_add_js(). To print HTML you can either create a custom block and show on page or create custom page.

Implementing in Drupal with custom module:

function _owl_carousel_demo() {
  $array = array('User 1', 'User 2', 'User 3', 'User 4', 'User 5', 'User 6', 'User 7');
  $output = '<div id="owl-demo" class="owl-carousel">';
  foreach ($array as $value) {
    $output .= '<div class="item"><h1>' . $value . '</h1></div>';
  $output .= '</div>';
  $output .= '<div class="customNavigation">
    <a class="btn prev">Previous</a>
    <a class="btn next">Next</a>
    <a class="btn play">Autoplay</a>
    <a class="btn stop">Stop</a>

  drupal_add_css('http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.css', 'external');
  drupal_add_js('http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.js', 'external');
  drupal_add_js('jQuery(document).ready(function() {
      var owl = jQuery("#owl-demo");
        items : 4,
    });', 'inline');

  return $output;

Below example shows complete HTML:

    <link href="http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/owl-carousel/owl.theme.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <?php $array = array('User 1', 'User 2', 'User 3', 'User 4', 'User 5', 'User 6', 'User 7'); ?>
    <div id="demo">
      <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
          <div class="span12">
            <div id="owl-demo" class="owl-carousel">
              <?php foreach ($array as $value) : ?>
                <div class="item"><h1><?php echo $value; ?></h1></div>
              <?php endforeach; ?>
            <div class="customNavigation">
              <a class="btn prev">Previous</a>
              <a class="btn next">Next</a>
              <a class="btn play">Autoplay</a>
              <a class="btn stop">Stop</a>


    <script src="http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/assets/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
    <script src="http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function() {
      var owl = $("#owl-demo");
        items : 4, //10 items above 1000px browser width
      // Custom Navigation Events

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