I have planned to use Composer to manage Drupal core and third-party modules instead of pushing everything to Git and I am using drupal-composer/drupal-project to achieve it.
After running composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:7.x-dev d7 --stability dev --no-interaction
, a d7 directory is created with some other directories, including the following ones.
- vendor
- web (It contains the Drupal core files.)
Its composer.json file is enough to install the same dependencies in another server, but if I use composer install
in my server, how can I checkout my custom modules?
If I add custom modules and the composer.json file only in my repository, where do the custom modules go when I run during composer install
? Do they go in sites/all/custom or the root directory?
Is there any other option available to manage my custom modules with Composer?