I don't manage to update Flag module in remote server, while it worked like a charm on local environment. The stage site is cached with Zend opcache, Apcu, Varnish and Redis. I suspected Opcache was faultier but no way to get it work.
The steps I did (local dev) :
drush up flag -y
drush cc all
. Tested flag features, OK.- Commited & pushed files to stage on a flag branch
The steps then on remote server :
git checkout flag
- Reset Opcache various times (thanks to this great Opcache GUI)
- Saved database
, which returnedflag module 7300 - Rebuild the class registry due to classes moving files. 7301 - Rename {flag_content} table to {flagging} and {flags} table to {flag}. 7302 - Rename database columns on the {flag} table. 7303 - Rename database columns on the {flagging} table. 7304 - Rename database columns on the {flag_counts} table. 7305 - Convert flag roles to permissions. 7306 - Convert flag view modes settings.
Ran Apply pending updates, which retunred An unrecoverable error has occurred, Ajax error, http status 200, followed by 4 notices. These notices are known, but caused no update crash on local site.
- if I go to the "error page", I'm sent back to Review updates page.
If I try to visit dblog, I have this fatal php error : Class 'flag_flag' not found in profiles/commons/modules/contrib/flag/flag.module on line 1948
. But if I check the remote files, I can find that class in profiles/commons/modules/contrib/flag/includes/flag/flag_flag.inc
I invalidated that file namely in Opcache and invalidate full Opcache. I also checked in varnish.vcl
that update.php
is in the list of bypassed URL.
Then after a while, Varnish finds backend server is not responding and boom : Error 503 Backend fetch failed, ending restarting php5-fpm...
To be honest, I understand about nothing anymore, "eating my hat" or "banging my head" or how would you say that ? Help really welcome !