I use Drupal Commerce with Commerce Credits module to let users buy credits which later can be used to submit content.
The module has support for Rules but I can't get a very simple condition to work. The problem is that 'Entity has credits' rule always returns 0 even if my users have credits:
I tried to debug the amount of user credits but without any results:
Rules evaluation log shows me that comparison to 0 always returns true but to different values always false, independently if user has credits or no. Before that I check if entity is of type node.
- Checking if entity is of type commerce_credits and using 'Entity has credits' doesn't give me any result.
Devel debug using action "Debug value" to show credits for user fails for node:author and site:current-user as no reference to credits is shown.
I tried also to get access to commerce_credits by "Fetch entity by id/property", but couldn't figure out what id/property to define.
Looking at the code of Commerce Credits module it looks like credits get saved to an entity called commerce_credits. But I can't figure out how to use this token.
Any other way to debug Rules and find the credits value related to a user?
watchdog('my debug info', print_r($node,1));